To all of my angry ones,
those who don't know who they are,
ignoring the truth of your mind is the most difficult job.
take a vacation.
Section. 80 is going be relevant in my life forever.
K dot did an outstanding job. my opinion
If you haven't heard
-- jumponihh
I love this blog.
So much.
so so so much!
I've been blogging now for about 4 years.
4 years.
&& Every time still feels like the first.
This is so important to me... its crazy.
Every time I think thoughts, I think of this.
How I can display it for you to understand.
Maybe you don't, but hopefully you do.
When I first started it was something I did
just because.
to say funny shit.. and be able to read it again and laugh.
Now I do it for therapy.
This is my medicine, in a sense. I write so I can organize my thoughts.
To express myself.
All of this hooplah was ignited last night.
I went alll the way back to my first post and read.
and read. and read. and read.
Its crazy how much I haven't changed.
How much my writing style has improved.
How radical I am.
Evolution is crazy.
Its like a story.
It all started with a letter.
Then came other letters.
Those letters came together and decided it be an innovative idea if they were to form words.
More and more words came along.
reasoned that ideas with be more effective if they created sentences.
then on to make paragraph, and stories
I don't know if that was a good analogy.
It just popped in my head.
So I ran with it.
like all of my ideas mostly.
The point I am trying to prove is...
Times are the same as they were thousand of years ago.
The only thing different is the technology.
The human mindset is the same.
There were caveman geeks and cave man whores.
Creating the wheel. and Selling their bodies for fire.
There is always self hatred, trendsetting.
Comparing the previous generations, and creating for future generations.
Its fantastic.
There were always artist. always critics.
Always love and ways to find it.
I love every single day.
Wondering if I will remember this day 10 years from now.
Thanks to you I will.
First time reading your blog.... LOVE IT!!! KEEP ON KEEPING IT REAL or should I say 100???? who knows.. Just keep doing what you do.