Thursday, May 30, 2013


I'm sitting here in my living room.
It's 2 o'clock, and my mind is racing...

I'm excited to have the opportunity grow up.
(since a lot of people don't really get a chance to experience this process)
I wonder what kind of grown up I'll be

Since a child, 
I've always done things differently. 
Always wore quirky clothes and 
had "different hair"
and made really weird decisions 

My teachers always took a particular fondness to me. 
Some might even snark and say teacher's pet 
...but darnit I made A's! 


But anywho, 
I'm here to reveal a set of goals I have for this summer. 
This is my first summer on my own 
and I'm super stoked!!@#@$$

I hope I do a lot of growing up... 
I'm proud of how far I've come 
but I'm excited to see how far I can fly. 

Summer '13

- Acquire the love of running
- Plant a beautiful flower
- Fall asleep on a beach
- Surprise my mother
- Redecorate my apartment
- Achieve zen in the yoga studio
- Dance my ass off

Let's go
It took me a while to adjust but I'm ready 
It's about to be my last year in college

 photo Screenshot2013-05-31at22119AM_zps0e225009.png

time to grow up 

I Love You All,

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